February 16, 2018


Campaign Workers Guild Wins Second Major Collective Bargaining Agreement


LANCASTER, PA. — Just days after organizers with the Randy Bryce for Congress campaign became the nation’s only current electoral campaign staff union, the Campaign Workers Guild on Thursday continued building power and won its second major collective bargaining agreement with Jess King, a progressive candidate for Congress. The contract was unanimously ratified by Jess King for Congress organizers, and added major momentum to the new national labor union’s push to organize and represent every professional campaign staff member in the country.


“We’re thrilled to see organizers across the country responding to our call for unionization,” said Meg Reilly, spokeswoman for the Campaign Workers Guild. “For too long, electoral campaigns talked the talk when it came to treating workers with respect, but failed to do right by their own staff. We’re proud to see candidates like Randy Bryce and Jess King buck that trend, and stand up for fair and safe working conditions for all organizers."


“Candidates and campaigns preach progressive values, but it can be hard to live those values in our work when campaigns are so short term and uncertain,” said Julia Eddy, Fundraising and Finance Associate for Jess King. “This union allows us to have the same guarantees as other union workers even in an unorthodox working environment. I'm especially proud of the focus this union has on sexual harassment policies and protecting workers from both harassment and retaliation.”


The Campaign Workers Guild is a new independent national union representing non-management workers on electoral and issue-based campaigns.

