In early 2017, campaign workers started self-organizing, determined to push back against the hypocrisy of so-called “pro-labor” candidates that underpay and mistreat their own workforce. Campaigns almost universally exploit the dedication and passion of campaign workers. Worker’s protections and rights, and sometimes even their own safety, are often at risk.
This organizing work would turn into the Campaign Workers Guild, with an initial organizing committee that recruited workers through their networks to sign onto an open letter and conducted dozens of one-on-one meetings with more campaign workers to spread the word.
By the end of 2017, CWG negotiated its first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covering the staff of a political campaign, with a unit composed of the workers on U.S. House candidate Randy “Ironstache” Bryce’s campaign for Wisconsin’s 1st District.. CWG publicly announced itself and the Randy Bryce for Congress unit on February 12, 2018. In CWG’s first year, union workers won better contracts at 28 campaign workplaces.
In early 2017, campaign workers started self-organizing, determined to push back against the hypocrisy of so-called “pro-labor” candidates that underpay and mistreat their own workforce. Campaigns almost universally exploit the dedication and passion of campaign workers. Worker’s protections and rights, and sometimes even their own safety, are often at risk. This organizing work would turn into the Campaign Workers Guild, with an initial organizing committee that recruited workers through their networks to sign onto an open letter and conducted dozens of one-on-one meetings with more campaign workers to spread the word.
By the end of 2017, CWG negotiated its first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) covering the staff of a political campaign, with a unit composed of the workers on U.S. House candidate Randy “Ironstache” Bryce’s campaign for Wisconsin’s 1st District.. CWG publicly announced itself and the Randy Bryce for Congress unit on February 12, 2018.
In CWG’s first year, union workers won better contracts at 28 campaign workplaces.