
May 9, 2019

Contact: Sarah Willenbrink-Sahin,

SAN ANTONIO, TX — Campaign workers for Julián Castro’s Presidential Campaign announced unionization today after campaign workers unanimously signed cards with the Campaign Workers Guild (CWG). Castro management swiftly recognized the union per a neutrality agreement reached with CWG .

"Secretary Castro takes a backseat to no one when it comes to supporting his staff. He was the first candidate to pledge to pay interns $15/hour, the first to put together a staff manual with a strong sexual harassment policy, and he was the first to support his staff forming a union to ensure the employees of his campaign are not left behind in advancing his vision for the future of our nation. I'm proud to announce that our campaign has availed ourself of that support and formed a recognized union with the Campaign Workers Guild,” said union member Sawyer Hackett, Deputy National Press Secretary.

CWG Executive Council Member Sarah Willenbrink-Sahin added “The Campaign Workers Guild is thrilled to represent the workers on Julián for the Future. We share a devout commitment to true, sustainable, progressive change in our industry and our country. We look forward to meeting with management at the bargaining table and making the policies we believe should be standard a reality for Castro workers.”

"Secretary Castro has publicly supported the unionization of his campaign staff since he launched. Unions are a critical component of our democracy, and the teams of people who work to elect our leaders should do so with the protections of union organizing,” said Campaign Manager Maya Rupert. “We are extremely happy to be the first presidential campaign to take this step with the Campaign Workers Guild, and we look forward to bargaining in good faith.”

“From the first days of his exploratory committee, in December 2018, Secretary Castro committed to supporting his campaign staff in efforts to unionize,” said Campaign Manager Maya Rupert. “Unions are essential protections for workers, including campaign workers, and the teams of people who work to elect our leaders should do so with the protections of union organizing. Our campaign is extremely proud to be the first presidential campaign to take this step with the Campaign Workers Guild, and we look forward to bargaining in good faith.”


The Campaign Workers Guild is an independent national union representing non-management
workers on electoral campaigns and other political workplaces.