April 30, 2018

Gubernatorial Campaign Workers Unionize; First Campaign in Maine

PORTLAND, ME. — The Campaign Workers Guild on Monday announced the ratification of a collective bargaining agreement with Mark Eves for ME. The contract was unanimously ratified by workers for Eves, the progressive candidate for governor.

“As someone who lives in Maine, I’m really proud and excited that campaign workers for a gubernatorial candidate here have unionized,” said Meg Reilly, vice president of the Campaign Workers Guild. “We’re proud of our members for bargaining such a strong contract.”

“I’m proud to be a part of a campaign that’s actually living Democratic values, and not just talking about them,” said Claire Cummings, Field Director for the campaign. “It wasn’t a surprise that Mark would support this decision-- he’s always been on the side of working Mainers-- but it’s still very exciting for all of us. Hopefully our decision to unionize will set a new standard for campaign work in Maine.”

The Campaign Workers Guild is a new independent national union representing non-management workers on electoral and issue-based campaigns.

