March 26, 2018


Moser Campaign Workers Unionize; First Campaign in Texas


HOUSTON, TX. — The Campaign Workers Guild on Monday announced the ratification of a collective bargaining agreement with Moser for Congress. The contract was unanimously ratified by organizers for Laura Moser, progressive candidate for TX-07. In addition to benefits like payment for health insurance, paid sick days, and paid leave, the contract includes a grievance procedure and progressive discipline. Campaign workers have now unionized ten campaigns across the country in a matter of weeks.


“Campaign workers are finally getting the same labor protections their candidates are stumping for,” said Meg Reilly, Vice President of the Campaign Workers Guild. “Campaign workers for Moser are the first in Texas to unionize, and we’re excited to see which campaign workers will unionize here next.”


“Progressive campaigns should pride themselves on fighting for workers all over the country," said Julia Doubleday, Deputy Data Director and union steward for Laura Moser for Congress. "And it's crucial that candidates demonstrate their commitment to those values with their own staffs as well. I'm looking forward to seeing other candidates follow Laura's example to support campaign unionization.”


The Campaign Workers Guild is a new independent national union representing non-management workers on electoral and issue-based campaigns.

