March 7, 2018


Campaign Workers Guild Announces Fifth Contract; First in New York!


Kingston, NY. — Campaign workers for Brian Flynn, Democratic candidate for NY-19, announced the ratification of a collective bargaining agreement Wednesday. Bargaining unit members negotiated a contract that includes basic guarantees such as living wages, reimbursement of standard work-related expenses, and protection from sexual harassment and discrimination.


“I am proud to work for a campaign that not only talks about valuing workers, but also puts those values to work,” said Leslie Berliant, Flynn Political Director.


“It’s worth noting that the first campaign collective bargaining agreement in New York was bargained entirely by powerful women,” said Meg Reilly, Vice President of the Campaign Workers Guild. “One way to tackle the wage gap is through the wage transparency and equal footing that comes with unionization. If you’re for workers rights, you’re for women’s rights. Our movement is intersectional, and we won’t be stopped.”


The Campaign Workers Guild is a new independent national union representing non-management workers on electoral and issue-based campaigns.

